This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Embarking upon a journey of the written word. I will be sharing things that inspire me, like yoga, sacred music, festivals, retreats, natural beauty and healthy living. I also hope to share more personal stories of life and love.
As life speeds on by it is so easy to forget that we are drawing nearer to the pinnacle time of 2012. I don't have the answers to what is going to happen at the end of the mayan calendar, but i get a feeling that now more than ever it is an important time to:
Align with a daily practice,
Start doing more things that you love,
Start giving more,
And start letting go of things that no longer serve you.
I hope that these pages help in guiding your way home.
Writing helps me find my own hearts song and remember what it is that nurtures me, into a place of stillness and connection.
So thank you for reading.
With Love