Spring has arrived and it is a very blessed time indeed. The last couple of weeks i have been down to Melbourne, which is always a time of family, close friends and yoga. I have been very blessed in the last couple of years. Every time i fly to Melbourne i get to tie it in with some delightful music events. This time i sang on Atira Tan's yoga class, with Sun Hyland on his first retreat, and with Kevin James at a beautiful concert at Clifton Hill Yoga Studio, what amazing acoustics that place has! Now I'm back in Byron Bay busily preparing for our big concert Sisters in Song, and for an event at the Solar Eclipse happening mid November.
Some themes have been playing out for me over the past month, and i felt so inspired by them that i thought i would share them.
There is something so special about friends who have known you for a long time. Friends who understand you, yet can also help to remind you of the patterns you have been playing out over the years. Friends can be a great reflection of where we are at, and where we have come from. I love my friends so much and am so grateful to have them in my life. Belonging and having a sense of community is such an important part of being alive.
While i was in Melbourne i did a course called Communication Power to Create. And as the title of the course says, the power in creation comes from the way in which we communicate. We did some fantastic work over the weekend, and ended with the most amazing meditation. It was such a great feeling for me, as i stepped out of my head and into my heart, feeling the oneness of it all. It has been hard to maintain everything i learnt in the course, but it was invaluable knowledge, that i will continue to apply. Is there anyone in your life that you avoid communication with?
I find that getting out and taking walks in nature is the best thing to do to start the day. Its also a great way of dealing with stress and emotions. Witnessing all the beautiful flowers in bloom has been an enjoyable start to spring. Plus its a great way to get some exercise.
Music remains a current theme in my life. My journey with music begun about 4 years ago, and I'm so grateful for the journey i have been on with it, and i am so intrigued to see how it continues to unfold before me.
As some of you know i am being mentored By Kathryn Jones. She has taken 7 women (including myself) on a journey of uncovering our musical dreams, and helping us to step up and out into the community. It is an incredibly amazing process, yet at the same time i have been feeling stretched, and sometimes uncomfortable. I feel like I'm learning the life lesson that comes when you start following your heart. And I'm realising that its not always easy.
Im hoping by the end of it all i will see that a flower remains tight in its bud, before it bursts out in bloom. But to be honest sometimes i feel myself so tightly wrapped up in my bud, that i see how easy it would be to curl up and stay in here forever. Im starting to realise that in order to follow your heart, sometimes you will start to feel uncomfortable. Which is probably why some people are so happy to settle, and put their dreams in the 'too hard basket'. As someone once told me, "no one transforms in their comfort zone". And at the moment whilst facing all these challenges, i am definitely transforming.
So the end of our course is coming up in 4 weeks, and to celebrate our work, we are having a 'Sisters in Song' concert, where each of us will share songs that we have been working on over the course. This will be a beautiful night of tears, joy and laughter. Its coming up on the 3rd of November, if you're interested in coming send me a message for more details.
And on a final note, a beautiful quote to take into your day…
You don't have to go looking for love, when love is where you come from.
Thanks for reading.